Parent/Carer Launches

How can parents and carers get involved in the launch?

Whilst the Online Launch and a Tutor Launch are for students only, there will also be Parent/Carer Launch events which will be held online at the start of the programme.

What does a Parent/Carer Launch involve?

The Parent/Carer launch will include:

• An information session on The Scholars Programme.

• A session on how parents and carers can support their child throughout the programme.

• A session with a Brilliant Club ambassador to share top tips and reflections on their experience of the programme.

• A Q&A panel with our ambassador and Brilliant Club staff member.

When will the Parent/Carer Launches be held?

The events will be held in the same week as the Online Launch for pupils. The specific day will depend on the Key Stage.

Where will the Parent/Carer Launches be held?

All Parent/Carer Launches will be held online using Zoom.

How can parents and carers sign up for these events?

You will be sent a sign-up link by your Programme Officer to send on to the parents and carers of all pupils on the programme.

How will links be shared?

Links will be shared directly with any parents and carers who have signed up. They will be shared three days prior to the event.